Monday, October 16, 2006

Democratic Political Ads-- Smartening Up This Campaign

The Democrats are getting savvier in their ad campaigns. These two ads are very slick with high production values. Hopefully they have learned from the tactical errors made in campaigns past against the Win At Any Cost Party. Perhaps it is possible to get down in the mud with the pigs and come out with ethics. I like to think some of the ads we are seeing are about true ethics. Don't tell me there's no difference between the two parties.

"Walsh Stem Cell" (2006)
Majority Action, a group formed to "promote and build a progressive majority agenda in the U.S. House of Representatives," has taken out some very aggressive ads against four Replubicans who voted against federal funding for stem cell research.

"Have You No Decency, Mr Sweeny?" (2006)
Candidate/Organization: Kirsten Gillibrand | Race: House, New York

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Summoning the spirit of Murrow is not an easy thing to do. I sort of have mixed feelings on that one. Part of me really liked the piece, but the other part felt like it was kind of a cheap hollywood answer to a political issue.